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Fanfiction ze świata Boku no Hero Academia (My hero Academia) Aizawa x OC Dormient Potential English fanfiction containing teacher x (18yo) student relationship and slow burn, if any of these is sensitive to you, please skip. After being dismissed from both Ketsubutsu Academy as well as Seiai Academy Mariko Okaido is about to give up. Her quirk, which is highly dependent on people around her was called by her teachers absolutely useless... twice. Even though she is about to turn 18 she still didn't manage to get her Provisional Hero License. Mariko clearly remembers how she was one of the first to fail that exam. Due to high interest in hero courses both schools decided to fire Mariko justifying it by her lack of skills and abillites that are necessary to become a real hero. But she... she has a plan. And now it's time to bring it into play. I will also try my best to keep Aizawa in character as much as I can and also keep the anime vibe (which is going to be hard).  Fanfiction...

Mechanik - 8.

  8. — Mamy informacje o TIE fighterach odepchniętych siłą wybuchu. Dryfują w kosmosie, nie mogąc ustabilizować lotu — pilot transportowca przekazał oficerowi. — Każdy transporter ma statek przechwytujący. Mamy rozkaz pomocy od admirała. — Potwierdzony rozkaz? — Tak. — Masz pewność, że chodzi o wszystkie myśliwce bez wyjątku? — Tak, panie oficerze. Mundurowy odwrócił się na pięcie, wyszedł z kokpitu pilota i zimnym, stanowczym spojrzeniem omiótł pogrążoną w rozpaczy załogę. Jego wzrok osiadł na Irene, mocno ściskającej oparcie fotela, na którym siedziała kobieta należąca do personelu jednego z barów stacji kosmicznej. — Umiesz pilotować? — spytał prosto, stając przed młodą kobietą. — Tak. — Zasalutowała, czując jak jej słuch się polepsza. Oficer skinął na nią głową i oboje udali się do kokpitu pilotów. Stamtąd wspięli się na drabinkę prowadzącą w stronę włazu. — Zostaliśmy poinformowani o pilotach myśliwców dryfujących bezwiednie w kosmosie. Ich myśliwce są w większości uszkodzone,...

Mechanik - 7.

  7. Miesiące mijały, a z każdym minionym dniem rosło zafascynowanie i wiedza Irene. Przez politykę Imperium — zniszczone zastąp nowym — nie miała okazji na dokładne przyjrzenie się niektórym urządzeniom, a typowa praca mechanika polegała bardziej na konserwowaniu, niż naprawianiu. Jednak dzięki Halowi, który po namowie jednego z oficerów otrzymał dostęp do wadliwego myśliwca przechwytującego, mogła poznawać każdy zakątek wspaniałych imperialnych statków. Ich praca polegała głównie na upewnieniu się, czy zaparkowane machiny są sprawne, a czasem też na montażach sprzętów, których części dostarczały topornie kwadratowe statki dostawcze z Sienar Fleet Systems. Irene była szczęśliwa. Wreszcie mogła robić, to co kochała, u boku osoby doceniającej jej zapał. W wolnym czasie lubiła chodzić na siłownie, a także zwiedzać Gwiazdę Śmierci, na której jak się okazało, było o wiele więcej osób pełniących zwyczajne zawody, niż przypuszczała.  Większość górnych pięter było dla niej niedostępn...

Dormient Potential - 10.

  10. Upon waking up, Mariko stayed in bed for additional fifteen minutes, thinking about last night's events. She hoped that rescue workers managed to stop the bleeding and the owner of the local shop is safe. Apart from that, she also wondered why Aizawa shared his personal memory with her. Sure, he was trying to calm her down and he showed his soft side, but that was... too soft. “Could that mean?” she asked herself, looking at the ceiling. “Nah, you're overinterpreting, that's unhealthy. You know that, it happened once already.” She got out of bed, standing bare-feet on the carpeted floor. She climbed on her toes and raised her arms above her head, stretching her whole body. After a few crunches, she stretched her legs, performing six slow high-kicks, three for each leg. Her body was working smoothly, but her mind stayed uneasy. “I should talk to him, I guess,” she thought to herself and entered the bathroom, looking at herself in the mirror. She actually got a bit more...

Dormient Potential - 9.

  9. Two weeks later on Saturday evening, Mariko left the dorm wearing a dark blue, comfortable hoodie, keeping her warm in cold autumn weather. She headed towards the local grocery store, where she usually bought food, keeping the products she wanted to buy in her mind. The street in front of the UA was completely empty and the only sound she could hear was the wind blowing in her ears and the buzzing coming from the streetlights. She put on her earphones and played soothing music from her self-made playlist. Okaido sighed and crossed the street, the music vibe matching her surroundings, making her feel as if she was in a music video. For a split second, she smelled a faint scent that she couldn’t place, but it was extremely attractive. Then the balm was gone, leaving her confused. She entered the empty shop and greeted the older woman who was standing behind the counter. Mariko turned to the aisle with canned food, walking to the other side of the store, where fresh fruit and veg...

Dormient Potential - 8.

  8. “Are you sure she is asleep and we can go?” Aizawa asked the nurse monitoring Eri’s state. “Yes, one hundred percent sure,” the short-haired woman smiled. The pro hero looked one last time at the small figure sleeping in the hospital bed. “You need to rest, too, sensei,” Mirio said quietly and both men left the building, walking down the long corridor to reach the staircase. They got into a maroon car with a spacious boot. Mirio took the driver seat and Shota sat in the front passenger seat. The third year student started the vehicle and pulled to the road, driving smoothly. “Do you think they will find any of her relatives who will actually take care of Eri?” Mirio asked after a few minutes, breaking the silence. It wasn’t uncomfortable, but Mirio was a really talkative person. “I bet they won’t,” Aizawa replied, laying his cheek on his hand. “So, what happens after that?” “The UA will take care of her, I am sure. We will keep an eye on her and maybe train her in the future. ...

Dormient Potential - 7.

  7. Aizawa grinned and Mariko knew that the challenge was accepted. She instantly broke into a run, catching the side of the building with a grapple. She swung and caught the wall on the other side of the road and looked over her shoulder, searching for her opponent. He was nowhere to be seen.  “Looking for me?” she heard and saw him on the edge of the roof of a building right next to her.  She grappled straight to the ground, avoiding the Binding Cloth that he sent, aiming at her body. With a glimpse of fear of the speed of approaching the ground she bent her body, shooting the hook at the other side of the road. She felt a powerful jolt and grabbed her left arm with her right hand. She twisted her body and then flew across the gap between two buildings, but just as she was about to release another shot, she felt Binding Cloth tightening around her belly, trapping the hands with its tight fabric. Mariko kicked her feet into the air, heading towards the small alley. She ...